Episode 25 - Toadie on Trial

At the beginning of Toadie on Trial Macky fails to escape from the Roman camp and Toadie accuses Portia of being a rebel sympathiser. Lucius tells Antonius and Flore the story of Paul’s disappearance, before he leaves camp to deliver food to Isaac’s family, now living in mountain caves.

As Portia turns the tables on Toadie by questioning his loyalties in front of General Tiberius, Brutacus brings terrible news of Lucius. All this changes Macky’s situation, and it seems Portia’s plan may work after all. Toadie’s future becomes uncertain too, while Portia takes Lucius’s children to their new home with Isaac and Devorah, where they soon hear the story of Moses, the desert trek and manna from heaven.

Toadie accuses Portia Bread in the desert

Paul's disappearance

Moses, the desert trek and manna from heaven