Friends and Heroes adventures feature over 80 different stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. As part of the additional resources for kids on our children’s website, we’d like to have many of these timeless stories available as audio readings for children to enjoy and learn more about the Bible.
But instead of using standard ‘off-the-shelf’ audio Bible readings, which are invariably aimed at a more adult audience, we’d love to have stories read by our own viewers and those who understand what children love – Bible stories read in styles that really engage with children. And best of all, we'd love to have children telling the Bible stories for other children!
The best versions of each of the 20 stories we have chosen will be uploaded to our website for all to hear, with an accreditation to the reader(s).
PLUS all stories used will receive a prize of original artwork from the making of the Friends and Heroes films. Each piece of artwork is unique and signed by the executive producers.
This is an open-ended competition – i.e. readings can be submitted at any time, even once a particular Bible story has already been covered, we will be happy to receive and consider new versions of the same story.
With 20 passages of the Bible to choose from there is plenty of scope for everyone to have a go.
Why not choose your story today and get recording!
NB: Any recordings we receive become the property Friends & Heroes Productions Ltd. The competition is open to anyone but all entries must be in English.